Prana Flow with Kasey
These sessions are a time and space to meet with oneself, as a multi-layered being, through techniques derived from and inspired by:
- Hatha Vinyasa Yoga and Ayurveda
- Mindfulness, Contemplative, Visualisation, Concentration and Shamanic Meditation Techniques
- Do-In (the Japanese form of self-massage that optimizes the flow of energy through the energy channels of the body)
- Qigong and Taoism
- Eco-Philosophy and Nature-Inspired Spirituality
Our goal is above all the path in itself: to reconnect with our essential self in the present moment and to pay kind and curious attention to the vitality that animates our being and our environment.
Through intentional postures, movements and sequences, we support a more optimal functioning of our primary systems like those of circulation, respiration, digestion and immunity. This makes for an empowering and accessible approach for cultivating greater awareness of one's current state, one's deepest needs and how to take care of oneself.
These sessions are an invitation to nourish a feeling of re-connection and harmonization between the different facets of oneself as well as within one's world accompanied by all the benefits associated with relaxation, mental clarity, contentment and general well-being.
No previous experience is necessary to benefit from these sessions.
Private or semi-private classes may be organized upon request.
Sessions may also be adapted and included as part of a larger collaborative event.
Contact me via email or telephone to know more about these possibilities.
Current Schedule
Weekly Class Schedule
Open to the public
Mondays at 19h - l'École Emilie de Morsier
Tuesdays + Thursdays at 12h - CEC André Chavanne
Tuesdays at 17h15 - CEC André Chavanne
Gentle / Senior classes
Tuesdays + Thursdays at 10h - Salle de Judo de Carouge
WMO + ONU employees
Fridays at 12h30
Info + registration via email / telephone